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Whenever I read a book I pay special attention to design, style, formatting, cover art, back cover quotes, book size (or trim size), readability (font, line spacing, text size), and overall “feel.” Does the book have “personality” and “curb appeal” … does it speak to me on a purely “artistic” level? Am I compelled to explore the contents, to sit down and spend time with it–emotionally drawn to it?


Since 2014, I’ve published three books under my own imprint, Capturing Morning Press, and have come to understand how a book actually comes together–a fascinating process. I’ve worked closely with Michele DeFilippo, owner, manager of 1106 Design in Phoenix, so I can help create and offer professional products that shine in unique ways.

I love book covers that emphasize the beauty of nature, for instance. I look for art, for professional photographs, that fit my book subject, the tone, and its overall message. I also love book titles that say exactly what I want, even when arriving at my final destination takes time and serious perseverance. Sometimes a title choice comes easily, early in the process; other times, it’s very last minute. A phrase in the book finally jumps out at me, or maybe my intuition chimes in (whenever it wants to, of course). But like most authors and poets, I know when the perfect title shows up, and trying to rush that process doesn’t feel true to the creative process. Always unpredictable, at best.

Traditional publishing has its advantages (have been down that path, as well), and maybe someday that option will appeal to me again. But for now I truly love being part of the book I wrote! The two-year plus wait to publish a book with a traditional house gives me pause, as well. Life is short. And there is a lot to be said for doing something when the time is right, instead of succumbing to the restrictions of corporate scheduling and preferences.

What am I working on now?

I’m at work on a couple of projects: a new book of poetry, a new memoir. As the weeks unfold, I’ll share more details on both books. I can say this much. The book of poetry is almost ready to go. I even have a great idea for cover art. The memoir is nearing completion, and I’m opting for shorter chapters in a shortish book. I also love long and involved, but this topic, in particular, seems well-suited to a shorter format.

For now, here are the three book covers I’ve helped design so far with the titles that emerged as I wrote and edited these books. If you have a second, let me know how you think they compare to other books you see and read. It also would be great to know if you have suggestions. I love reader input. It’s often very insightful. Thank you!

2014 book: photograph by Kernit Grimshaw
2015 book: cover art by Paul C. Jackson
2017 book: photograph by Jon Fiskr Larsen

“When the image is new, the world is new.”
―Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space

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a sunny creative space for kindred spirits.

MY memoir, THE SILENCE OF MORNING: A Memoir of Time Undone, is available in print or as an eBook; to find my book about prairie wisdom– tapping into your own kind of wisdom via experience and surroundings–click here: ALWAYS RETURNING: The Wisdom of Place. If you enjoy poetry that digs beneath the surface, ANCIENTS OF THE EARTH: Poems of Time, is also available on amazon. Thank you so much for reading!

Blog by SUNNYROOMSTUDIO: All Rights Reserved

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